Advisory Planning Commission Documents May 8, 2024 – Hybrid Meeting

How To: Zoom Webinar Public Participation  How To: Use the Meeting Packet

May 8, 2024 APC Agenda
May 8, 2024 APC Packet

DRAFT April 10, 2024 APC Minutes

Staff Reports
Agenda Item No. V.A. Code of Ordinance Amendments
Agenda Item No. V.B. Amendments to Tourist Core Area Plan

Agenda Item No. V.A. Code of Ordinance Amendments
Agenda Item No. V.B. Tourist Core Area Plan Amendments

Public Comments
Agenda Item III Public Interest Comments
Agenda Item No VA Code of Ordinance Amendments Written Public Comments
Agenda Item No VB Amendments to Tourist Core Area Plan Written Public Comments

The PDF files of the received written public comments are organized in reverse date order, bookmarked, and searchable. The files will be updated periodically until 5pm, Tuesday, April 23rd. Please remember to clear your browser cache to ensure you are seeing the most up to date information.

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) appreciates and considers all input from the public. We encourage you to submit written comment (email, mail, or fax) well in advance of the meeting date to give our staff adequate time to organize, post, and distribute your input to the appropriate staff and representatives. Written comments received by 4 p.m. the day before a scheduled public meeting will be distributed and posted to the TRPA website before the meeting begins. TRPA does not guarantee written comments received after 4 p.m. the day before a meeting will be distributed and posted in time for the meeting. Late comments may be distributed and posted after the meeting.

REQUIRED: Include the meeting information and agenda item in the subject line. For general comments to representatives, include “General Comment” in the subject line.

Please email your comment to

Advisory Planning Commission Documents April 10, 2024 – Hybrid Meeting

How To: Zoom Webinar Public Participation  How To: Use the Meeting Packet

Click Here for the Video Recording of the April 10, 2024 TRPA Advisory Planning Commission Meeting

TRPA Public Meeting video recordings are uploaded to YouTube. To receive notifications when recordings are uploaded, please subscribe to our channel:

April 10 2024 APC Agenda
April 10 2024 APC Packet

DRAFT November 8, 2023 APC Minutes
DRAFT December 6, 2023 APC Minutes
DRAFT February 14, 2023 APC Minutes

Staff Reports
Agenda Item No. V.A. Active Transportation Plan Staff Report
Agenda Item No. VI.A. Amendment to the Washoe County Tahoe Area Plan
Agenda Item No. VI.B. Threshold Standards Staff Report
Agenda Item No. VI.C. Phase 2 Housing Amendments Staff Report
Agenda Item No. VI.C. ERRATA Phase 2 Housing Amendments

Agenda Item No V.A. Active Transportation Plan
Agenda Item No. VI.A. Amendment to Washoe County Tahoe Area Plan
Agenda Item No. VI.B. Threshold Standards Update
Agenda Item No. VI.C. Phase 2 Housing Amendments

Public Comments
Agenda Item No. V.A. Active Transportation Plan Update Public Comments
Agenda Item No VIA Amendment to the Washoe County Tahoe Area Plan Public Comments
Agenda Item No VIC Phase 2 Housing Amendments Public Comments
Written Public Comments re proposed amendment to the Washoe County Tahoe Area Plan from March 27, 2024 Regional Planning Committee

The PDF files of the received written public comments are organized in reverse date order, bookmarked, and searchable. The files will be updated periodically until 5pm, Tuesday, April 9th. Please remember to clear your browser cache to ensure you are seeing the most up to date information.

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) appreciates and considers all input from the public. We encourage you to submit written comment (email, mail, or fax) well in advance of the meeting date to give our staff adequate time to organize, post, and distribute your input to the appropriate staff and representatives. Written comments received by 4 p.m. the day before a scheduled public meeting will be distributed and posted to the TRPA website before the meeting begins. TRPA does not guarantee written comments received after 4 p.m. the day before a meeting will be distributed and posted in time for the meeting. Late comments may be distributed and posted after the meeting.

REQUIRED: Include the meeting information and agenda item in the subject line. For general comments to representatives, include “General Comment” in the subject line.

Please email your comment to

Cancelled: Advisory Planning Commission Documents March 13, 2023 – Hybrid Meeting

TRPA Advisory Planning Commission March 13, 2023 IS CANCELLED.


March 13, 2024 APC Agenda
March 13, 2024 APC Packet

DRAFT November 8, 2023 APC Minutes
DRAFT December 6, 2023 APC Minutes
DRAFT February 14, 2023 APC Minutes

How To: Zoom Webinar Public Participation  How To: Use the Meeting Packet

Staff Reports
Agenda Item No. V.A. Active Transportation Plan Update
Agenda Item No VI.A.1 Annual Report

Public Comments
Agenda Item No VA Active Transportation Plan Update Public Comments

Advisory Planning Commission Documents February 14, 2024 – Hybrid Meeting

TRPA Public Meeting video recordings are uploaded to YouTube. To receive notifications when recordings are uploaded, please subscribe to our channel:


February 14, 2024 APC Agenda
February 14, 2024 APC Packet

DRAFT November 8, 2023 APC Minutes


Staff Reports
Agenda Item No. V.A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Staff Report
Agenda Item No. VI.A. Boatworks Redevelopment Project Notice of Preparation Staff Report
Agenda Item No. VI.B. Amendments to Code of Ordinances Supporting Climate Resilience, Affordable Housing & Mixed Use Design Standards Staff Report

Agenda Item No. VI.A. Notice of Preparation for Proposed & Possible Boatworks Redevelopment Project
Agenda Item No. VI.B. Code Amendments Supporting Climate Resilience, Affordable Housing, and Mixed-Use Design Standards

Public Comments:
Agenda Item No VIII Public Comment

The PDF files of the received written public comments are organized in reverse date order, bookmarked, and searchable. The files will be updated periodically until 5pm, Tuesday, February 13. Please remember to clear your browser cache to ensure you are seeing the most up to date information.


Advisory Planning Commission Documents December 6, 2023 – Hybrid Meeting

TRPA Advisory Planning Commission December 6, 2023 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the TRPA Offices and on Zoom


TRPA Public Meeting video recordings are uploaded to YouTube. To receive notifications when recordings are uploaded, please subscribe to our channel:

How To: Zoom Webinar Public Participation  How To: Use the Meeting Packet

December 6 2023 APC Agenda
December 6, 2023 APC Packet

Staff Reports
Agenda Item No. V.A. 2020 US Census Demographics for the Tahoe Region

Agenda Item No. VI.A. Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan Amendments
Additional Application Materials:
Attachment M: Response to Comments – TBAP Economic Sustainability and Housing Amendments
Attachment K: Placer Implementation Report – TBAP Economic Sustainability and Housing Amendments

Public Comments 
The PDF files of the received written public comments are organized in reverse date order, bookmarked, and searchable. Please remember to clear your browser cache to ensure you are seeing the most up to date information.

Agenda Item No. V.A. 2020 US Census Demographics for the Tahoe Region Public Comments
Agenda Item No. VI.A. Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan Amendments Public Comments
Agenda Item No VIA Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan Amendments LATE Public Comments

Agenda Item No. V.A. US Census Demographics Tahoe Region
Agenda Item No. VI.A. Tahoe Basin Area Plan Economic Sustainability and Housing Amendments

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) appreciates and considers all input from the public. We encourage you to submit written comment (email, mail, or fax) well in advance of the meeting date to give our staff adequate time to organize, post, and distribute your input to the appropriate staff and representatives. Written comments received by 4 p.m. the day before a scheduled public meeting will be distributed and posted to the TRPA website before the meeting begins. TRPA does not guarantee written comments received after 4 p.m. the day before a meeting will be distributed and posted in time for the meeting. Late comments may be distributed and posted after the meeting.

REQUIRED: Include the meeting information and agenda item in the subject line. For general comments to representatives, include “General Comment” in the subject line.

Please email your comment to